hope healing arts
Nia Hope Tucker

Honouring your body as a sacred vessel and as access to your ultimate wisdom is one of the most radical actions we can take in these days of digital distraction and disconnection.
Feminine flow yoga & embodiment include nourishing feminine flow yoga, moving meditations, and intuitive dance. These practices unravel rigidity so that movement becomes more sensual, enjoyable, and flowing and the patterns of the mind find more freedom.
This unique yoga practice is grounded in the Hatha Yoga form and is woven together with fluid movements to enhance the flow of Chi/life-force energy and to bring flexibility and freedom to the spine. There is a strong focus on embodiment through moving intuitively and nurturing the self throughout the postures and flow. From the flowing movements which harness natural energy resources there is increased vitality in the body and the means to move with authenticity, sensitivity & gentle power. Elements of Yin Yoga, breath practices, and guided meditations also support and enrich the practice.


Yin Yang HIIT Yoga is a cyclical practice beginning with a slow and dynamic Vinyasa Yoga flow which builds momentum into a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout that consists of short periods of intense exercise that gets your heart rate up quickly, between intervals of complete rest. This boosts the metabolism, burns fat, and increases both anaerobic and aerobic capacity. To complete the practice, slow and passive Yin Yoga stretches out the muscles and releases tension in the connective tissues.
In this fusion-class Nia brings together strengthening and conditioning yoga asanas, flowing linking movements, and Belly Dance Technique. 'Belly Dance' is an ancient dance form, at its very roots - a dance of initiation and ritual. Its circular and spiraling movements that celebrate the female form and dynamics of nature have the potential for healing and empowering feminine energy today. Belly dance activates the core and unusual muscle groups. By isolating and concentrating the body's movements, new neural pathways are formed and rigid linear patterns in the body and even the mind can unravel.